Both Sides Glossy Print


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An oil derrick reflects in the window of a lifeguard tower at Huntington Beach, California

Our glossy photo prints are printed on Kodak Endura professional photo paper with a glossy finish. Prints are available with no frame or in five wood framing options. Sizing options here indicate the print size only. Add 6.5 inches to image size for the total size including matte and frame. Click on the 'framing details' tab for more information. Printed individually and shipped from the United States or UK for some international orders.  Ships free anywhere in the United States.  

Framed glossy prints usually ship around 4-5 days after ordering, or 2-3 days after ordering if unframed.

Want more to choose from? Prints can be made from nearly any photo featured on the OsoPorto or jonberrydesign Instagram accounts. If you want a specific image, let me know and I'll add it to the selection offered here.




Our glossy photo prints are available in five wood frame options as well as with no frame in case you prefer a do-it-yourself framing option.

All framed glossy photo prints are in our premium frames - made of high quality natural solid wood and available in white, black, natural, cherry, and walnut. Frames are 1.25 inch wide and photos have a 2-inch polar white mat as a separate layer within the frame. Matte and frame sizes are in addition to the size of the print. For instance, a 10x10 photo includes a 2 inch matte and 1.25 frame on each side, making the total size 16.5x16.5 inches.

We take extra care to ensure your frame is free of flaws, so you receive a beautiful hand-made product you'll be proud to present and display. Premium frames feature a black paper backing and are delivered ready to display. Framed Prints 11x14 and 12x12 or smaller include a sawtooth hanger, while larger prints come with a hanging wire attached.