First Dibs is an open pre-order process I'm going to try when restocking a shirt design as a way to offer you more shirt style options beyond our normal Classic Fit Tee.
During the "First Dibs" open pre-order stage, I'll make additional style options available for purchase like Ladies Fit tees, tank tops, even sweatshirts. These are options that are not normally printed and stocked in inventory, though the orders we do get for those will also serve as a gauge for what we should print and stock. (For example, if we get a lot of Ladies Tank Top orders during the pre-order, we'll be sure to print more of those to stock in inventory for that design.)
Once the design goes to the "in production" stage, you can continue to order from the normal stock selection that is being printed. Those orders and the First Dibs orders will all ship as soon as they are printed and ready. After that, the remaining stock goes into our store to be ordered and shipped immediately when ordered, just like any of our shirts.
The chart above shows the dates and stages for our first First Dibs pre-order and production of our Oso Awesome shirt recently. To help reduce the wait time for those that order, future First Dibs pre-orders will likely only run for one week, so be sure to follow our Twitter or Facebook page as well as our email newsletter to be sure you don't miss it.
Have a question? Want an option we're not offering? Let us know!